Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This Sunday!!!

This Sunday in Biblemaniacs, you will be watching another story about Jesus. Last week you learned a few stories Jesus told and that there were people who would be arrested for worshipping Jesus. Did you all notice the fish at the entrance to the baker's house? So people travelling or in trouble would know who else was a follower of Jesus, the fish was a symbol of the Christians.

This week's story is about some of the miracles and then Jesus' death and resurrection. If thre is time, you will also get to finish "Dave and the Giant Pickle."

In Children's Church it will be part 7 of "The Plane Truth." This week is "The Journey of Salvation." Get ready for Criag, Natalie and more high flying hijinnks! Who will Ande interview this week?? Be there and find out!

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